What is ADHD Testing Like?
If you've noticed symptoms of ADHD in yourself or your child, your healthcare provider might recommend an ADHD screening. This evaluation isn't a test but rather an assessment to diagnose attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

What is the Benefit of Psychological Testing & Evaluations?
Imagine your mind as a complex puzzle. Psychological testing can provide that crucial missing piece, unlocking invaluable insights into your unique world.

Psychiatrist and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner — What's the Difference?
Navigating mental health care isn’t always easy. There are many approaches, treatment plans, and mental health professionals to choose from. It’s important to understand the different roles these medical professionals might play in your treatment options.

Things You Can Expect from a Mental Health Occupational Therapist
Typically, we think of an occupational therapist (OT) as a physical field. However, many OTs also focus on mental health, viewing it as intertwined with a person’s ability to function in their daily life.

What Are the Benefits of Psychiatric Medication Management for Specific Conditions?
Psychiatric medication management plays an important role in the treatment of many mental health conditions. It involves the careful selection, dosing, and monitoring of medications to find a long-term solution.

Occupational Therapy and the Benefits for Those with Autism and ADHD
Learning to navigate the many challenges that come with life is a crucial step to ensuring that those who are neurodivergent feel better equipped to handle the challenges that they may face throughout their lifetime.

6 Mental Health Conditions Usually Treated with Medication
Medication can be extremely helpful for people who are struggling with their mental health. However, that doesn't mean it will be right for everyone, and there is nothing wrong with that, either. It's all about individual choice and what they believe will be their best option.

4 Calming Tips To Soothe Your Anxiety At Night
It was a long day. You feel as if you barely had a chance to breathe, and the day felt super rushed. Knowing that tomorrow will be much the same, you settle in for the night and climb into bed.

4 Communication Tips For Couples To Prevent Conflict
Relationships are a wonderful thing. When things are going great, we couldn't be happier. We know life gets hard, and at the end of the day, we have our partner to rely on, and we know the same is true for them.

Signs of Depression and How To Cope With Them
"Feeling depressed" is a phrase that is commonly used by many people. There's nothing wrong with that, exactly, because depression is feeling sad and out of sorts. However, depression goes beyond feeling blue and down.

Leaving the Past Behind Is Possible, Here's How
Going through something traumatic has a profound way of impacting our lives. Sometimes, we don't even realize all the ways that trauma has shifted our physical and mental health.